antoinette wysocki

Emergence Phenomena, 2021

Acrylic and mixed media on canvas. 38” x 53”

Micro Dose Mind Control

Acrylic, watercolor, ink, colored pencil on rag. 36” x 25”

Antoinette Wysocki is a NY abstract expressionistic mixed media painter. She exhibits her paintings internationally with over 50 group shows and 10 + solo exhibitions including: New York, London, Hong Kong, Dubai, Miami and Los Angeles private collections including Mandarin Oriental, Washington DC City Museum and the former Corcoran Gallery of Art, now part of the Smithsonian Institution's National Gallery of Art collection. 

“My intention is to create abstract paintings that indulge in materials and focus on the expressive process itself.  Balanced with details of organic imagery, evocative symbols and text, to address overall subjective translation and perception while addressing impediments of memory association.”

Instagram: @antoinettew

Dark Matter, 2021

Acrylic, ink, watercolor, graphite, and diamond dust on wood. 24” x 24”