marjorie sopkin

Gallipoli, 2023 (revised)

acrylic on wood panel, 20” x 20”

Thin Ice, 2022

acrylic on wood panel

Marjorie attended the Hartford Art School for two years before transferring to Tyler School of Art. She attended the Rome program and received a BFA. After 25 years of a successful career in graphic design which included running her own award-winning studio, she returned to painting full time.

“Teetering between reality and fantasy, this recent work reveals my intrigue with the natural world. Movement, reflection, and unity are common elements, and ever-changing atmospheric conditions supply unending inspiration which I re-imagine through an abstract lens. Repetitive shapes represent camaraderie – all too often absent in these troubled times.”

Instagram: @marjoriesopkin

Morning Activities, 2023

acrylic on paper,12” x 9”