kellianne mccarthy

Spacecraft With Massive Amounts of Flowers, 2021

Acrylic, collage, silver leaf, 20” x 24”

A Brain Turning Itself Inside Out, 2021

Acrylic, collage, silver leaf, 20” x 24”

Kellianne McCarthy works with oil, acrylic, and collage on wood panels. She is known for her saturated color palette and blend of imagery, abstraction, and pattern. She was born in Philadelphia, PA. She received a BFA in Painting from Moore College of Art and Design in 1992. She is a Registered Nurse currently working in Philadelphia.

“I'd like to evoke a feeling of place where the elements of the world we know meet bizarre, reverent spaces that make dream sense. My process involves building layers with acrylic paint, gold/silver leaf and collage elements, sanding and then adding more layers. It's a continual process of adding, subtracting and reacting led by a combination of intuition, accident.”

Instagram: @kellianne_mcc

Today, 2021

Acrylic, collage, silver leaf, 5” x 7”