nichole gronVold roller

Sycamore, 2024

Acrylic on shaped canvas,  30" x 30”

Cul-de-sac, 2024

 Acrylic on shaped canvas,  30" x 30" 

Nichole Gronvold-Roller is a painter who received a BFA in Art Education from Minnesota State University of Moorhead, an MA in Art Education from Boston University, and an MFA in Painting from Bradley University. In addition to being an artist, Nichole is a full-time high school art teacher in Tremont, IL, where she has been teaching for the past twenty-six years. Furthermore, she is a contributor writer for the Inland Art column with Community Word.

"My geometric-shaped canvases embrace contemporary art practices of relevant pluralism. These works are a union of fine art, architecture, and design, referencing underlying themes in art history and mixing and merging concepts."

Instagram: @gronvold_roller

Persimmons, 2024

Acrylic and ink on shaped canvas,  57" x 91”