Willie Marlowe

Kite #19, 2019

Acrylic on paper, 16.5” x 12.5”

Kite #23, 2019

Acrylic on paper, 18” x 11”

Willie Marlowe, MFA, Professor Emerita, Russell Sage College, Troy NY. Paintings included in museum, university, corporate, international and private collections. Artist's residencies: New York, Ireland, Italy, The Czech Republic, Croatia and The Netherlands. Visiting artist: Barbados, Russia, Ireland and Italy. Recent group shows: Archivo Emily Harvey, Venice, NAWA Gallery, NYC.,

“The ‘Kites’ grew out of a study of triangles. As I worked on small triangular paintings on paper and started using them together as collage elements, they suggested kite shapes. I was interested in the illusion of three-dimensional space, surface tension, and contrasting glossy areas with planes of textural color.”


Instagram: @williemarlowe

Kite #22, 2019

Acrylic on paper, 18.75” x 10.75”