sandra cavanagh

After Eden, 2023

Oil on canvas, 72 x 72 inches

The Death of Hector II, 2023

Oil on canvas, 72 x 72 inches

Cavanagh's first two decades were pitched on the tensions between a loving family life, political upheavals and the dangers of politically sanctioned brutality and censorship in Argentina. Her career began in 1997 after studying fine arts K.I.A.D., University of Kent, UK. She resides and works in NYC.

Cavanagh sustains a narrative focus as a reaction to sociopolitical events with the intention of codifying ideas and feelings. Recurring subjects are the mythological feminine, patriarchal brutality and its weight on the collective, visceral reactions to memories and the consideration of mortality and the loss of innocence in transgenerational stories.

Instagram: @sandra_cavanagh_artista

Dressing The Bride, Danaë I, 2024

Oil on canvas, 60 x 72 inches